Why You Should Test Before You Invest

Have you ever wondered why, when making one of the biggest decisions in your business—such as changing your reservation system—you must completely commit before you really know how it will turn out? When creating a customised system, you can test and iterate, but there are inevitably things that are overlooked once the application is used […]

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Compliance & Your Reservation System

Ensuring compliance with maritime regulations is a continuous and sometimes overwhelming task for operators. Non-compliance can lead to substantial fines, service disruptions, and damage to reputation. Over the past two decades, the maritime industry has experienced a significant increase in regulations, with requirements evolving rapidly. This pace of change can often feel daunting, especially for […]

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Optimizing Occupancy: Operators’ Endless Challenge

Optimising Occupancy: Operators’ Endless Challenge   Ferry companies invest substantial capital in their assets, so it goes without saying that the key to profitability and longevity is to obtain the highest yield within their existing capacity. Set aside for now controlling demand utilising dynamic pricing. The question is; how do you optimise full trips by making […]

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From Customised to Configurable: The Evolution of Software Flexibility

  In the pursuit of business efficiency through digitised processes, two primary approaches emerge (1) Customised Software or (2) Configurable Software. But what sets them apart? While both methods offer extensive tailoring to meet business needs, they do so through distinctly different avenues. Customised Software Customised software entails altering the code of the software to […]

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